Monday, December 22, 2014

Une gigantesque galaxie sur votre petit écran

Super Mario Galaxy est disponible dès aujourd'hui sur Wii! Vendu au prix de 50 (prix public conseillé), le jeu vous entraînera dans les dernières aventures de Super Mario.

Il devra encore partir à la recherche de la Princesse Peach, capturé par le méchant Bowser. Cette fois-ci, une bonne étoile l'aidera durant son périple aux confins de l'Univers. Super Mario Galaxy rénove les bases de la "plate forme" et restera un jeu marquant comme le prouve un test de chez Gamekult, dont voici un extrait:

Super Mario Galaxy place définitivement la Wii sur orbite. D'une folle ingéniosité, le concept de micro-planètes et de gravité offre tellement de liberté par essence que Nintendo a pu laisser vagabonder son imagination sans jamais s'enferrer ou brider sa créativité. Le résultat donne un jeu d'une inventivité débordante, incroyablement rythmé, que l'on dévore gloutonnement avec un plaisir sans cesse renouvelé.

Voir le site officiel de Super Mario Galaxy

Voir le test complet de Super Mario Galaxy sur Gamekult

Parlez du jeu sur le forum !

Friday, December 19, 2014

TES5 - The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Nouvelles images

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Joie, bonheur et félicité, Bethesda s'est enfin décidé à lâcher de nouvelles images pour la suite d'Oblivion, le très attendu The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim. Consultables à cette adresse, on peut notamment y admirer la modélisation pointilleuse de quelques ennemis, se rassurer quant à la taille des décors ou s'extasier de la musculature d'un barbare à deux doigts d'écorcher un mort-vivant.

Skyrim est attendu pour le 11 novembre prochain, sur PC, Xbox 360 et PS3.

· Voir les nouvelles images de Skyrim
· Forum The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Deadmau5 sera dans DJ Hero 2

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La souris rouge fera chauffer les platines dans DJ Hero 2. Activision vient d'annoncer que le DJ canadien Deadmau5 sera jouable dans le second opus de DJ Hero. Après David Guetta et DJ Shadow, c'est au tour de ce DJ à tête de souris d'être derrière les platines. Il aura même le droit à un morceau mixé pour lui par les développeurs de Freestyle Games : le mashup Lady Gaga "Just Dance" vs. "Ghost N Stuff" de Deadmau5, illustrés dans le nouveau trailer de DJ Hero 2. Le jeu est prévu pour cet automne sur Xbox 360, PS3,, Wii et PS2.

·,; Voir les images de DJ Hero 2
·,; Voir les trailers de DJ Hero 2
·,; Forum DJ Hero 2


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

De nouvelles images de C.O.P nbsp; The Recruit

Dévoilé par Nintendo lors du salon E3 de Los Angeles la semaine dernière, C.O.P: The Recruit refait déjà surface. Il sagit du prochain action/aventure à la sauce GTA prometteur à venir sur la DS, qui a fait bonne impression auprès des joueurs. Cest Ubisoft en charge du projet qui nous offre de nouvelles images de bonne qualité. On sait que le titre poussera la console portable dans ses derniers retranchements et le tout sera en 3D. Ensuite, la ville sera pleine de vie et dynamique, enfin vous aurez à disposition des outils pour surveiller la ville. Vous prendrez en main Dan Miles, un ancien pilote de courses clandestines et la nouvelle recrue de l’unité de police "Criminal Overturn Program"(C.O.P). Notre héros enquête sur une arrestation douteuse de son mentor et au fil de son aventure, il découvre quune conspiration malfaisante veut mettre la ville à sac. Bien entendu, Dan sera présent pour empêcher de tels actes. C.O.P: The Recruit dUbisoft est prévu pour la fin de lannée 2009 chez nous.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Metroid nbsp; Other M - En images nbsp;!

Alors que le Nintendo Media Summit a été loccasion dannoncer la sortie de Metroid: Other M pour le 27 juin sur le sol américain, des images du jeu sont également tombées aujourdhui!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

BioShock un nouveau DLC qui se déroule à Rapture !

Il était temps ! Après des mois d'attente, BioShock Infinite se dote enfin de son premier DLC. Baptisé "Clash of the Clouds" ou "Carnage Céleste" en français, ce contenu supplémentaire est disponible dès à présent sur PC, PS3 et Xbox 360 pour 4,49€ ou 400 points Microsoft. Le DLC "Clash of the Clouds" propose aux joueurs une série de défis pour s'amuser avec une pléiade de nouveaux pouvoirs, armes diverses, Vigors, équipement, Failles et Aérotrams dans quatre nouveaux environnements. Mieux, en terminant les 60 défis Blue Ribbon, les joueurs débloqueront des contenus exclusifs pour la Société Archéologique de Columbia, auront accès à de nouveaux Voxophones, Kinetoscopes, concept arts, etc.


Dans la foulée, 2K Games et Irrational Games ont décidé aussi de teaser sur la venue d'un autre DLC, Tombeau sous-marin, qui n'est autre qu'une campagne additionnelle en deux parties proposant une toute nouvelle histoire qui permet de retrouver Booker DeWitt et Elizabeth au beau milieu de Rapture, juste avant sa chute. Ces deux campagnes seront disponibles individuellement au prix de 12,99€ ou 1200 Points Microsoft et seront également intégrées au Season Pass BioShock Infinite.



Thursday, June 19, 2014

Battlefield 4 Call of Duty Ghosts lequel des deux choisir

Cette année, en matière de FPS militaire, la lutte est plus qu'acharnée. D'un côté, nous avons Battlefield 4 qui jouit de 2 ans de développement intensif du côté des studios suédois DICE, et de l'autre, nous retrouvons l'épisode annuel de Call of Duty, développé par le studio Infinity Ward. Chaque jeu possède ses forces, ses faiblesses mais aussi sa communauté. Alors pour savoir quel est le meilleur entre Call of Duty Ghosts et Battlefield 4, nous vous avons dressé un portrait de chacun d'entre eux pour vous permettre de mieux vous décider.

Si l'on vous parle d'un FPS militaire qui vient de sortir, tendance guerre moderne, où l'on a l'occasion de se battre sur un porte-avions, d'assister à l'inondation d'une ville, et où certaines maps multijoueurs proposent des éléments destructibles, vous pensez plutôt à Battlefield 4 ou Call of Duty Ghosts ? Et bien dans les deux cas, vous aurez visé juste ! Un petit comparatif entre ces deux frères ennemis s'impose donc.


Les graphismes 

Durant ces derniers mois, Electronic Arts comme Activision ont vanté les mérites de leur "nouveau" moteur. Le Frostbite 3 pour l'un et... une version modifiée de l'id Tech 3 pour l'autre. Sachant que l'id Tech 3 est le moteur qui faisait tourner Quake III en 1999, le combat semble joué d'avance. Et effectivement, sur PC comme sur next-gen, Battlefield 4 met une raclée à Call of Duty Ghosts d'un point de vue visuel. Sur Xbox 360 et PS3, c'est moins évident, car le vieux moteur qui propulse Call of Duty est plutôt à son aise sur ces architectures qui datent d'il y a presque dix ans. Mais au delà des questions d'antialiasing ou de qualité des textures, le Frostbite 3 impressionne également par sa gestion de la destructibilité des décors. Alors que les "événements dynamiques" de certaines maps multi de Call of Duty Ghosts tiennent plus du gimmick anecdotique qu'autre chose, le "Levolution" de Battlefield 4 fait progresser à pas de géants l'interactivité avec les décors. Non seulement la plupart des murs sont destructibles (ce qui n'est absolument pas le cas dans Call of Duty), mais en plus les événements scriptés sont réellement massifs. Pour voir un building entier s'effondrer, un paquebot s'échouer sur une île ou encore une tempête se lever progressivement au cours de la partie, il faut vous rendre dans Battlefield 4 et nulle part ailleurs.


Vainqueur : Battlefield 4

La campagne solo

Conséquence logique du point précédent : la campagne solo de Battlefield 4 est bien plus belle que celle de Call of Duty Ghosts. Mais alors, qu'est-ce qu'on s'y ennuie ! Ce n'est pas tant une question de scénario, de durée de vie, ou de charisme des personnages (tout cela étant très limité dans les deux jeux) que de mise en scène. Celle de Call of Duty est bien plus dynamique et, du coup, le jeu semble beaucoup plus fun. Exemple typique : dans la scène du porte-avions de Battlefield 4, on peut voir un avion glisser et tomber à l'eau. Il y a à peu près la même chose dans Ghosts, sauf qu'au lieu de simplement observer l'événement à quelques mètres de distance, on se retrouve plongé dans l'action alors même que l'avion nous passe juste au dessus de la tête. Si Battlefield 4 se trouve tiraillé entre un certain réalisme et le grand spectacle, Call of Duty a définitivement choisi le camp des sensations fortes. Et il a bien fait !


Vainqueur : Call of Duty Ghosts



Le multijoueur 

Avec une campagne solo limitée à cinq ou six heures dans les deux cas, il faut compter sur le multijoueurs pour rentabiliser son achat. Et là, il est plus difficile de trancher car les deux jeux ne jouent pas exactement dans la même catégorie. Les cartes relativement petites de Call of Duty Ghosts offre un gameplay facile, rapide, où l'on meurt et l'on tue très souvent. Parfait pour se détendre une demi-heure par-ci par-là. A l'inverse, les cartes immenses de Battlefield 4 demandent un peu plus d'engagement de la part du joueur et, si possible, un minimum de travail en équipe. Au crédit de Call of Duty Ghosts, on peut également mettre la profusion de modes (cranked, kill confirmed, grind, team deathmatch et bien d'autres) et de manières de jouer (avec des bots grâce aux squads, en coop grâce à Extinction, de manière compétitive avec Clan Wars...). Oui mais voilà, tout cela ne vaut tout de même pas le plaisir de capturer des points de contrôle dans le mode Conquête de Battlefield 4, à 64 joueurs, avec la possibilité d'emprunter des tanks, des jeeps, des avions, des hélicoptères, des bateaux, la capacité de détruire des pans entiers du décor, et l'impression de participer à une véritable bataille de grande envergure plutôt qu'à une partie de paintball virtuel, aussi sympathique soit-elle.


Vainqueur : Battlefield 4 (de peu)


Si vous êtes un joueur exclusivement solo, tournez-vous plutôt vers Call of Duty Ghosts. De même si vous êtes un joueur multi plutôt "casual". En revanche, pour vivre une expérience en ligne réellement intense et impressionnante, Battlefield 4 constitue une meilleure option. Mais quel que soit votre choix, ne le regrettez pas, car les deux jeux sont de très bonne qualité.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

First 5 minutes of BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea DLC

BioShock: Infinite's first story DLC is coming soon. Burial at Sea will put Booker and Elizabeth in Rapture before the fall. Its pastiche is noir, with Booker as the private eye and Elizabeth as the fem fatale that comes to him with a case.

Irrational Games has released a video of the first 5 minutes of the game. Beware spoilers within.

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea will be coming to the PS3 and all other platforms with BioShock: Infinite. There is no announced release date yet.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Xbox One Tops PS4 in December U.S. Sales

It looks like Xbox One is finding its groove again in the United States, as Microsoft's next-gen system reclaimed the top spot in U.S. sales. Although Sony's PlayStation 4 is stillt he best-selling console during the two-month launch window; Microsoft's Xbox One led console sales in December with 908,000 units sold. Together, the two consoles helped increase December hardware sales increase 50 percent compared to December 2012.

The United States has generally been the best market for Xbox, but with the new systems it was widely expected that the PS4 would overtake it. The PS4 took an early lead in November, but since then sales have been hindered by supply. Commenting on the latest report, Dan Race, senior director of corporate communications for Sony Computer Entertainment of America, said, "PlayStation 4 remains the cumulative leader for next gen console sales in the U.S. since the launch on November 15. We sold every PS4 available at retail in the U.S. and were out of stock in December due to overwhelming consumer demand."

"With more than 4.2 million PS4 systems sold worldwide, it's clear that the PS4's gaming and entertainment features are resonating with large audiences and we're doing our best to provide additional inventory in all of the 53 countries where it's available," he added...

Read the rest of the story at GameZone.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge

Nintendo and Tecmo Koei have released screenshots of the various outfits Kasumi is able to wear in Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge, once you download her free DLC update. Take a look at them below, followed by a few screens of Kasumi along with Ayane and Momiji.


Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors EdgeKasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge


Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge


Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge


Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge

More screenshots:

Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge

Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge

Kasumi Has A Range Of Costumes In Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge

Read more stories about Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge & Screenshots & Wii U on Siliconera.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Is Subnautica A Whole New Genre of Gaming

It's rare that we come across a game that's truly innovative in the way it mixes previous conventions and spits out a legitimately new experience. That's why I've been writing about the Oculus Rift so much lately - it's changed the way I see gaming.

Now though SubNautica has come along to challenge conventions once again, with a mixture of RPG, sandbox exploration and interactive storytelling, to the point where the developer, Unknown Worlds, believes it may have made a brand new genre.

It'll be a while before we can tell too, as we're way, way off an alpha at the moment, with only concept art, some pretty music and the base work for the core gameplay having been started on. That's alright though, as UW wants to share the development with you and other fans, listening to feedback throughout.

Subnautica will see you designing and building your own underground base and submarines in order to explore the murky depths. In a similar fashion to FTL or Unknown Sea, the developers want to create a real sense of lonelyness and exploration as you pilot your hand crafted ship through the deepest parts of this ocean.

Judging from some of the concept art, combat will come into play too though, as you'll find sea creatures and other submariners to battle.

All of this is provisional at the moment, but it sounds intriguing, even if it is a long way off.
What do you guys think though? Is this something that sounds like a new genre of game to you? Or just a variation on a theme?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Capcom's Yoshinori Ono Talks Fighting Game Profits And Darkstalkers

Capcoms Yoshinori Ono Talks Fighting Game Profits And Darkstalkers

Yoshinori Ono, known for being Capcom’s Street Fighter IV series producer (and also for his outrageous Chun-Li cosplay,) has been busy as usual, with his latest appearance at EVO 2013 and more recently at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, where 4Gamer caught up with him and talked about his thoughts on the future of fighting games.

The first question asked by 4Gamer, is one that’s been on the mind of many fighter enthusiasts. What about fighting games for next-gen consoles?

“Personally, I don’t want to stop Street Fighter’s main numbered series at IV,” says Ono. “Realistically speaking, developing a title for next-gen consoles requires a huge amount of staff members, and a large sum of money. The issue of money also applies to everyone else, as it’ll be required to invest in a new console, game, and arcade stick.”

Lately, we’ve seen a trend of free-to-play fighters; with titles such as Tekken Revolution, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, and Killer Instinct hitting the market. Ono shares his thoughts on that, too.

Capcoms Yoshinori Ono Talks Fighting Game Profits And Darkstalkers

“If you look at fighting games as a competitive sport, one might say the more players, the better. Going F2P lowers the hurdle of needing money to start, which I believe is one the ideal parts about it,” Ono expresses.

“On the other hand, knowing whether a company can guarantee [recovering] the development cost is something to which I don’t currently see an answer. So, I’d like to think about it a little more after seeing how well Harada (Tekken series producer) and Hayashi (Dead or Alive series producer) handle it.”

He continues, “When thinking about games as a product, it boils down to how much the company intends to spend in order to make it, and how much the players will likely spend on it, and the balance between the two is very important. For example, back in Street Fighter II, one play was 100, 200 yen, which was enough to cover the development cost; however, those costs are now much higher than what players would imagine. At the moment, I don’t have a clear vision of how we can balance the two.”

4Gamer mentions that Tekken Revolution and Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate aren’t completely new games, but rather updated versions, which they believe it has allowed them to challenge the F2P model.

Capcoms Yoshinori Ono Talks Fighting Game Profits And Darkstalkers

“There’s a lot of things to think about when it comes to the billing model,” Ono replies. “For example, in trading card games, you can become stronger by paying money and acquiring new cards. For arcade fighter games, you don’t get anything from your money. The motivation of ‘wanting to become stronger’ is what they pay for.”

“For Fighting games, we’re always thinking about finding ‘something’ which can be acquired by paying money,” he continues. “If can find that, I believe things would go smoothly. One of our trials was the ‘Gems’ of Street Fighter X Tekken.”

Meanwhile, Siliconera recently caught up with Capcom’s fighting game manager, Matt Dahlgren, who mentioned that Darkstalkers Resurrection didn’t perform as they had hoped. While he didn’t reveal anything regarding a possible development of a new Darkstalkers game, Ono had a few thoughts to share after 4Gamer asked about a possible new game in the series as well.

“Asking you guys to just wait a little longer is where we truly stand right now,” Ono admitted. “Darkstalkers Resurrection was just updated other day, too, and we’re really feeling your passion. Our activities to finally show the world a new Darkstalkers are still going on, so It’d bring me great joy to have your continued support.”

Read more stories about Capcom & Darkstalkers Resurrection & Tekken Revolution & Ultra Street Fighter IV on Siliconera.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Capcom Pushing For Future Fighting Games To Have Better Story Modes

Capcom Pushing For Future Fighting Games To Have Better Story Modes

Over on the Capcom forums, a few of the company’s fans have voiced a desire to see more fleshed out story modes in the company’s fighting games, that would allow players to get acquainted with the various playable characters. Throughout the discussion, the last Mortal Kombat, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and BlazBlue are cited as examples of games with entertaining story modes.

Luckily, Capcom have been thinking along those same lines, says Capcom USA’s senior VP, Christian Svensson. In a reply to the discussion, Svensson wrote:

“The strategic marketing group here has for quite a while been pushing for our fighting franchises to have more and better single player content, of which full fledged story modes are one component.

How and when those requirements manifest in our future roadmap, I'm not prepared to speak about at this time.”

Capcom have not yet officially announced any new fighting game releases, although the company has alluded to its Darkstalkers series returning.

Read more stories about Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition & Tatsunoko vs. Capcom & Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 on Siliconera.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sony's New PlayStation 4 IP Isn't An FPS, It's A Third-Person Game

At E3 this year, Sony and God of War: Ghost of Sparta developer Ready at Dawn revealed The Order: 1886, a new IP for the PlayStation 4. Now, we have a few more details on just what the game is going to be, courtesy of the PS Blog.

On what kind of game The Order: 1886 is, studio co-founder Ru Weerasuriya says, “The Order is a third person action adventure with shooting mechanics. It’s very much story-based—it’s a linear story-based game. We’re trying to tell a story. It’s what we call a filmic experience.”

Weerasuriya goes on to say that The Order: 1886 will not play like one would expect it to.

“There are gameplay features we’ll be talking about that will be very, very cool,” he shares. “Right now we’re playing with things—the moment-to-moment gameplay is really not what you might expect. We didn’t want to make it single-tone, where you rely on one single thing in expense of the rest.”
Sonys New PlayStation 4 IP Isnt An FPS, Its A Third Person Game

Read more stories about PlayStation 4 & The Order: 1886 on Siliconera.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

These Companies Are Coming To Tokyo Game Show (Yes, Microsoft Is Back)

These Companies Are Coming To Tokyo Game Show (Yes, Microsoft Is Back) CESA released a list of exhibitors confirmed for Tokyo Game Show and Microsoft will return to the show even though they skipped TGS last year. Of course, Sony Computer Entertainment will be there along with usual third party developers like Capcom, Square Enix, and Konami.


Where's Nintendo you say? Well, Nintendo doesn't attend Tokyo Game Show. What about Atlus? Last year they had a little corner in Sega's booth since Sega helps distribute their games. Rockstar Japan shared a booth with Capcom in the past too, although it's unknown if they will do so this year. One company missing from the list is Level-5. They had their own event in 2011, but attended Tokyo Game Show with a big Fantasy Life display in 2012.


Tokyo Game Show will take place on September 19 through September 22.


Console platforms

Sony Computer Entertainment
Microsoft Japan


Social game platforms



Third Party developers

Arc System Works
i-style Project
Wargaming Japan
Electronic Arts
GungHo Online Entertainment
Koei Tecmo Games
Bethesda Softworks (specifically listed as The Evil Within)
Square Enix
Nihon Falcom
Namco Bandai Games
Bushi Road


Device & Accessory makers

G Cluster Global
AMD Japan
Broad Media
Vusix Corporation
Mori Games



Enterbrain (Famitsu)
Dengeki Games


International Exhibitors

Holland Game Front
Carnegie Mellon University Entertainment Technology Center
Swiss Games
Sweden Pavilion
Taiwan Game Hall


Goods Corner (like item sales)
Arc System Works
Surfer's Paradise
San-ei Bokei
Sanwa Denshi
Square Enix
Square Enix Music
Danganronpa Store
Bandai Namco
Pikatto Anime
Mad Catz


Family Corner

G Cluster Global
Square Enix
Happy Meal
Bandai Namco Games


Game School Corner

There will be 34 schools exhibiting here


Smartphone Games / Social Games Corner

Internet Initiative
We Are Engineering
Wave Motion
Query Eye
Crypton Future Media
Geisha Tokyo Entertainment
Game Saver
Search Field
Secret Character
JSC Games
Spec Computer
Nordau Creative
Happy Meal
Macau Cultural Industry Association Board Games


Game Device Corner

AVerMedia Technologies
Turtle Beach
Mad Catz
Universal Business Technology
Room Works


Cloud Gaming Corner

NTT Pururu


Girls Game Corner

Arcana Famiglia
Sun Denshi (Sunsoft)


Cosplay Corner


Read more stories about Capcom & Gungho Online Entertainment & Konami & Level-5 & Microsoft & Sega & Sony & Square Enix on Siliconera.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Deep Down's Combat Is Somewhere In Between Dragon's Dogma And Monster Hunter

Deep Downs Combat Is Somewhere In Between Dragons Dogma And Monster Hunter

Deep Down started me off in a well-lit area, where I got a handle on my spear. As we've mentioned previously, R1 and R2 operate as different spear attacks. R1 is a regular stab, and R2 had my character jump back and stab. Holding L2 zoomed the camera into a third-person-shooter-like camera angle and modified each attack, making R1 a quicker attack and R2 a heavier one that didn't involve jumping back.

It certainly wasn't an HD take on the action-gamey mechanics of Dragon's Dogma, but it didn't quite feel as deliberate and committal as Monster Hunter either.

Once I had a general idea of how to use the spear, I decided to venture forth into the dungeon. Stepping onto a platform and waiting a moment created the dungeon around me. And it was very brown and gray. While I understand that caves aren't usually the most colorful places in the world, there weren't even any stalactites or stalagmites to liven things up, things just felt kind of boxy. Then, of course, the Hogs (imagine a combination of a troll and a pig) started attacking.

Deep Downs Combat Is Somewhere In Between Dragons Dogma And Monster Hunter

I managed to keep the first couple in front of me, walking backwards and stabbing them as they got too close, leaving pierce wounds with each strike. After putting a few holes in both of them, I decided to try a special attack with triangle, and my character dashed forward through his enemies with an attack reminiscent of Devil May Cry's Stinger, killing the hogs instantly.

The next encounter was a bit more aggressive. My enemies attacked me from both in front and behind. The one in front struck first and landed a clean hit. It was about that moment that I realized one very important thing about the demo I was playing: there was no blocking.

After I took the first hit, I readied my spear and prepared for vengeance. It just so happened that I attacked in the general vicinity his next attack was coming from, so we parried each other. A series of parries continued for a good three seconds (with no damage to either of us) until the second enemy showed up behind me and covered the majority of my screen. He and the front enemy smacked me around for a while as I tried to find a way to escape, or at least adjust the camera into a position that wasn't 90% enemy back. When this proved fruitless, I toggled through the special abilities at my disposal until I found a whirling slash.

Deep Downs Combat Is Somewhere In Between Dragons Dogma And Monster Hunter

Using it killed the two of them, but I was left with little enough health (or so I thought, at least—the minimalistic UI that the character wore on his belt seemed to be flashing to warn me of something) that I thought it'd be wise to use a potion.

Now, items in Deep Down aren't used immediately. Pressing square and selecting an item from the menu will put it into your hand, and you press an attack button to use it. The potion worked as expected, but I also found a bomb that had found its way into my inventory. Seeing a couple of incoming Hogs, I readied it and tossed it into their path, igniting (but not killing) them. The fire looked beautiful, but their continued survival meant that I got a bit more parry practice in before they met their demise.

I kept going through the randomly generated dungeon and found a couple of treasure boxes and ladder that led to a dead end.  Once I realized where to go, I found a platform like the one that brought me into the dungeon, stood on it, and the short demo was over. Not even a reference to the dragon fight that Capcom's been teasing (maybe they want to save that for when you have a shield to melt). I wish the demo would have let me do more than run around a boxy cave and poke Hogs, but I'm curious to see how Deep Down will play with more than just a spear.

Read more stories about Deep Down & PlayStation 4 on Siliconera.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD Was In The Works, Warner Bros. Kanned It

Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD Was In The Works, Warner Bros. Kanned It

Before HD collections were all the rage and even before the recent Mortal Kombat reboot, Midway started developing Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD. Other Ocean Interactive, the studio that handled Ultimate Mortal Kombat for the DS, was also making Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD.


When Warner Bros. acquired Midway they canceled the project and opted to release straight ports of the Mortal Kombat arcade games as Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection. A few pieces of artwork from Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD leaked out like a new model for Mileena and Stryker's T-rex animality.


Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD Was In The Works, Warner Bros. Kanned It Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD Was In The Works, Warner Bros. Kanned It Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD Was In The Works, Warner Bros. Kanned It Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD Was In The Works, Warner Bros. Kanned It Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD Was In The Works, Warner Bros. Kanned It Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD Was In The Works, Warner Bros. Kanned It

Read more stories about Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection HD & PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360 on Siliconera.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hey There's A New Rave Master Game, Oh Wait It's A Social Game

Remember Rave Master, the manga Hiro Mashima was working on before Fairy Tail? Mobage made a new game with Haru, Elle, and Plue. Rave Master Ultimate Battle has various characters represented as cards and SD avatars when you're in battle.


Hey Theres A New Rave Master Game, Oh Wait Its A Social Game

Rave Master Ultimate Battle has a guild system wher eyou can join up with other players to trade items and request help when you're in a Demon Card battle. Mobage released Rave Master Ultimate Battle for iOS and Android devices.

Read more stories about Android & iPhone & Rave Master Ultimate Battle on Siliconera.